I have a cold. A really bad one. Gah. Thank the gods I don't have to go to work until Thursday; I'd probably kill someone.
Went to a Mexican restaurant last night with BestFriendGirl, we had chicken taquitas, followed by coconut/strawberry pancakes* and they were awesome. So much love for that kind of food.
BFG and I love eating out. We've done Chinese (like a hundred times; I still think nothing would ever beat the sweet and sour chicken),
Japanese (sushi tastes a lot different than I imagined; doesn't really have a strong taste. Salmon is my favorite), a bunch of local restaurants (my favorite is the place where they make killer ravioli - oven-baked and covered in cheese)... I think the African's gonna be our next stop, though I have no clue what I'd eat there. They actually have cobra meat and stuff :S
I'm all for exotic food, but I don't want to eat a snake. We'll see.
*not the American-style thick pancakes, which I'd never had. Yet. These were ordinary thin pancakes you roll in a, uh, roll? My English fails me today.
Spent the morning reading LJ reports from the Salute to Supernatural Con in LA. Could those guys be any more adorable? Seriously.
This is the first (and so far) only show I completely fangirl. To the point that I want to spend a bunch of money and go to a con just so I could see them live. Except for the part where I don't have a bunch of money and all cons are on the other side of the world. So I fangirl from afar. Along with my mother. The woman went through three+ seasons of Show in a month after seeing the last few scenes of Lazarus Rising and is now completely caught up. And a DeanGirl. That's one family member down and one (the Dad, who thinks any scifi that doesn't have spaceships sucks, so he's probably lost to the cause) to go.
This week in books 7/14/17
7 years ago