So, in order to deal with the economic crisis, our government changed and equalized the retirement age for men and women to 65 years. Meaning, people who should retire say this year, will instead keep working, keep their jobs and young people will remain unemployed because there are very few jobs actually available in this country.
There will be less retired seniors and a lot more young, unemployed people who are actually capable of working. This is helping the economy how exactly?
This government sucks.
Oh, an our president wants to be like Obama and have a private jet and a presidential residence. Sure, the majority of your citizens are trying to survive with 500 Euros a month, why shouldn't you fly to neighbouring countries with a private jet that costs 90,000 €? Go ahead, afterall, you are a president of a tiny European country that has no actual power over the government*, you deserve to travel in style. Right?
*The man in charge is actually the prime minister, like in Great Britain, not the president.
Though the prime minister is the idiot who suggested the retirement age thing, so he's not exactly awesome either. Man, I'm glad I didn't vote for him.
We have reverted back to communism (apparently, Tito wasn't a dictator/mass murderer, but a national (and international) hero who did great things like many communist dictators. Right.) too, but that's for another post. I'm late for work.
This week in books 7/14/17
7 years ago
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